JavaScript | API Call |  |
Mortgage Loan Calculator is a great value-add for any loan officer or real estate agent looking to provide good-looking, functional, valuable content to readers. The execution of this calculator is superb from the smooth sidebar integration, modal window results and AJAX-based graphs that are incredibly visually appealing. It's a great little application that delivers a lot of value in a user-friendly and well-executed way. The widget is free to use and distribute provided that the copyright notice and links are left intact.
 Narrow Form |
 Wide Form |
 Chart and Amortization Schedule |
- Download the Mortgage Loan Calculator WordPress widget.
- In WordPress Admin open
Plugins->Add New->Upload and upload the file.
The plugin can be used in one of three ways:
- If you are using widgets, just add the plugin to the sidebar through the Appearance -> Widgets menu in WordPress.
- Add
<?php display_mlcalc(); ?> to your template where you would like the calculator form to appear.
- Add
[mlcalc] to your page or post where you would like the calculator form to appear and configure default parameters:
default = mortgage|loan|mortgage_only|loan_only
size = wide|narrow
currency = usd|eur|gbp|CUSTOM
rate = '{interest rate}'
price = '{purchase price}'
mterm = '{mortgage term in years}'
down = '{down payment in %%}'
tax = '{property tax}'
insurance = '{property insurance}'
pmi = '{pmi in %%}'
amount = '{loan amount}'
lterm = '{loan term in years}'
schedule = month|year|month_nc|year_nc|none (_nc stands for "no choice" for visitor)
language = en|de|es|fr|it|pt|ru
[mlcalc default="mortgage_only"]
[mlcalc default="mortgage" size="narrow" price="125,000" rate="6.2" language="es"]